Teamwork is defined by Webster as “work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole.” Simply put, sacrificing self for the good of the whole. Great teams work hard together toward a common goal. For the Helias Softball Team that goal is usually tied to the pursuit of a state championship, but for one weekend that goal became something much greater.
On Friday, June 6, through Saturday, June 7, the Helias Softball Team took on their toughest opponent in school history, cancer. The Helias Softball Team became Crusaders For A Cure at the Cole County Relay For Life. Helias Softball players, their parents, and grandparents all took part in the 12 hour event, raising money to help find a cure for a disease that has caused so many people immense pain and suffering. The night was filled with celebrating the victories of cancer survivors and remembering those taken too soon by the disease.
In this extra inning battle that at times seems to have no end, a group of teenage softball players vowed to band together and do their part to ensure victory over the disease. For the entire event at least one member of the Crusaders For A Cure team was on the track in an effort to show their commitment to finding a cure for cancer.
I hope that every team takes the opportunity to be more than a win in the following morning's box scores. I am very proud to be associated with a team whose hard work and dedication could end up being a win for people who otherwise might have little hope.
hey bryn i made this video a while back and wrote a blog about it, it has almost 60,000 views on myspace, and i put the blog i wrote on to my blogspot account you should check it out. let me know what you think
I continue to be impressed on your determination to mold these girls into great ball players, but more importantly great people. Kids learn (from early on through adulthood) from example and the relay for life was another example to them on how to put others first. Quite a sacrifice to walk a track in the middle of the night, but it sure makes you feel good inside. Thanks for being a good role model. It doesn't go unoticed or unappreciated.
That was a great paragraph on the team's sacrifice for the community.. I really wish I could've been a part of it but I will definitely help with the next thing we do for the community =]
I totally agree with the first comment. These girls are learning to be great people while playing the sport that they love. You are an awesome role model for our girls and we as parents can't thank you enough. I truly believe that great things will happen to this team!!! Go Crusader Softball!!
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