Friday, February 8, 2008

A Parent's Perspective: A Parent's Role

This is geared toward the Helias Softball Parents, but I would appreciate feedback from anyone else that is interested as well, including Helias Players.

Parent's please comment to this post regarding the following question(s):
What do you think your role, or a parent's role, is in a high school athletic program? Or, if you would rather, what would you like your role to be?

I, and other coaches, will express expectations of parents from a coaches perspective in the future, but I thought this is a good way to give parents a forum. There will be more Parent Perspective questions in the future.


Anonymous said...

I think our role as parents in a high school athletic program is SUPPORT. We have to be there to support the players, coaches and the school. Support by the parents can be done through volunteer work whether it be fundraising, collecting at the gate, organizing t-shirt orders, concessions, etc. or just showing general support of the team as a whole. Accepting the decisions of the coach and supporting them in a positive manner is a major factor in any athletic program. Parents also need to be there to provide team spirit whether it be through posters, organizing pep rally's, attending games, etc. Lastly, the parents need to be positive role models for our children by practicing good sportsmanship and encouraging responsible behaviors.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment on sportsmanship. I am embarassed sometimes when I hear the opposing fans harassing the umpires, yelling at opposing coaches, and even belittling players on the opposing team.
Also, as hard as it is sometimes, I need to be a parent and not a coach. It is hard for me sometimes, but I don't want to miss out on just being dad during and after a game.
As a parent I feel I should be a positive example to my kid and their teammates, as well as support the program and coaches as I am needed.